Friday, September 30, 2011

10 Things You Should Know About Stretching

Before fitness training, one must give importance to doing warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or to enhance the output during the training.  There are also a number of precautionary measures and tips to serve as guidelines when doing fitness exercises.  Here are some of them.

1.  To increase your flexibility and to avoid injuries, stretch before and after workout.  Almost everyone knows that stretching before workout prevents injuries during the exercises, but only few people know that stretching after workout, when muscles are still warm, can increase flexibility.

2.  Hold your stretching position for more than 60 seconds to increase flexibility.  While holding your position for 20 seconds is enough for warm ups, holding each position for at least 60 seconds will develop the body's flexibility.

3.  Do not go into a stretching position then immediately return to the relaxed position, and do it repeatedly.  This is more appropriately termed as bouncing while in a position.  When stretching, hold that position for several seconds, and then slowly relax.  You may do this exercise repeatedly this way.  Bouncing or forcing yourself into a position during stretching can strain or damage some joints or muscles.

4.  Work slowly in increments instead of immediately proceeding to doing the hardest exercise or position.

5.  Make sure that you have stretched or warmed up all muscle groups.  For some people, even if they have strong bodies, they tend to neglect the neck when working out of stretching.  Stretching the neck muscles can be as simple as placing the palm of one's hand against the front of the head and pushing it.  Then, do the same to the sides and the back of the head.

6.  Stretch regularly to continually increase your range of movements and your level of flexibility and strength.

7.  Workout considering only your capabilities and not of others.  Do not force yourself to do exercises that you are not yet capable of just because there are people who can do it.  Increase your limits slowly.  Listen to your body.  There are days when your body may be too tired that you may have to consider reducing your range of motion.

8.  Learn to rest.  Rest in between sets and stations to make sure that the body has enough time to recover its energy.  Also, it is advisable that you don't work the same muscle groups consecutively for two days.  The muscles grow during the period when you rest and not when you are working out.

9.  Do aerobic exercises to strengthen your heart.  Aerobic exercises are those physical activities that much oxygen for fuel.  This includes cardiovascular exercises such as skipping rope, running or swimming.

10.  Music may help you when you want to train for longer periods or to increase your intensity.  You can use mp3 players, CD players or lightweight am radio receivers for this.  Just make sure that you brought your headset with you so you wouldn't disturb people who don't prefer music while exercising.

Apart from preventing injuries and increasing one's limit, it is also said that stretching is good for a tired body and also for a stressed mind and spirit.

Watch this Free video on The Truth About Abs

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Points To Consider When Buying Home Fitness Equipment

 Home fitness equipments vary and you should always have one good reason to buy it. Don't believe on everything commercials tell you about the equipment. Some equipment may seem easy to use on television but n fact will not really work for you. Try to ask yourself first of these questions before you grab your wallet and buy that equipment.
The equipment should suit your interests and needs. The activities that you will do with that equipment should be challenging and something to enjoy on. Buying equipment is never a guarantee that you will use it especially if it is something new that makes it harder to use. Make sure that you already know the equipment and that it is something that you already tried in a fitness club. Start from buying small equipments that are aligned to your interests.

Can you afford it? Don't be fooled with the thought that you will be forced to use something because you spent too much money for it. Expensive equipments are never an assurance that you will use them or that they are effective for you.  Always consider how much are you willing to pay for certain equipment. Also ask yourself iif it is worth it. Always check on the quality before you buy equipment. The price may be too low but consider that the quality can also be low. Or it may be expensive but then the quality is not that good. You can try choosing on cheaper alternatives but not sacrificing the quality of the equipment.

You may also want to check out for some used equipments. Most of the time, this is where you find a better deal. You can even find equipments that do not seem to have been used at a very low rate. Or you can find the equipment 3 months old but the price is almost half the original.

Do you have enough space for it? This is often what buyers forget to consider. Try to consider first where to place a treadmill before buying it. Before you buy something, make sure you know where you will place it. Your place may not accommodate the equipment. Plan ahead and make sure that the equipment can be placed in your home without causing any hassle.

Is it safe for you? If you have existing conditions, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that the equipment will be safe for you. Some equipment may be painful to use and might cause harm to your body. So make sure to try it first be fore you buy it.

It also suggested that you first consider if a gym near you already has that equipment.  You can save money by just registering to that gym and use that equipment compared the price you will spend if you will buy that product.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Discover How To Transform Yourself From Bulging Gut To Shredded 6 Pack Abs in 4 Short Weeks With The Fastest Ab Training Program Ever Developed – All While Strategically Training Your Abs With a Few Simple Exercises Every Other Day

If you are a guy reading this, set aside everything right now including your email, cellphone and Facebook because this will be the most important post you will ever read.
If you are a woman looking for ways to help your guy lose that extra fat around his stomach, then read on since this is something you will want to buy for him.
Finally, if you are someone looking for the ‘magic bullet’ to help you get shredded abs without a scientific, proven system, then I’m afraid you may have landed on the wrong website. But, if you’re looking for REAL solutions founded on REAL science and cutting-edge strategy, then the information I’m about to share with you just may be the most important RAPID FIRE ab training information you’ve ever read.
Now that you are reading this and you know this system is right for you, let me ask you the question that bought you here in the first place.
Have you ever wondered what may be holding you back from the most SHREDDED abs possible? Why you’ve always HELD ON to that stubborn fat around your mid section?
If so, you’ve come to the right place, because that’s what I specialize in.
The Problem: The “Android” Fat Distribution in Men
Men accumulate and store body fat in a very unique manner compared to woman.
Most men, when they gain fat, tend to gain it around their waist and chest area (unlike women, who gain fat in their lower body, including the butt and thigh). This is called the ‘android’ type of fat distribution.
This extra fat around your waist, as you know, looks unattractive. In addition, this has some serious health consequences, and increases the chances of heart disease, diabetes and hypertension (leading causes of death).
Unfortunately, most fat loss programs focus on dieting and weight loss but not fat loss around the abdominal area, which is the reason you are holding on to several pounds of ugly fat around your midsection.
Sure, you may have known someone who lost a lot of “abdominal fat” in a short period of time, but fat loss and weight loss in the abdominal section are two critically different things.  Want to lose a lot of weight in the abdominal area in a short period of time?  You certainly can, if you do the following:
  • 1.  Go on a diet (which reduces your metabolism)
  • 2.  Do a lot of cardio exercise (which burns fat but does not give you a sculpted six pack)
Neither of these is the way to get six pack abs. In fact, these are surefire ways to get a metabolism so beaten and battered that the moment you decide to return to any sort of a normal diet or exercise program, your abdominal fat (and then some) piles back on even faster.
So if specific, targeted abdominal exercises are required to get the shredded six pack, and dieting and cardio exercise DOES NOT work for abdominal muscle sculpting, how CAN you create the necessary environment to get that shredded six pack without having your body backfiring on you after the plan is completed?
The Solution: The Rapid Fire FOUR Week Six Pack Formula

Jerry Hall

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Moderate Exercise For Fitness!

Moderate Exercise For Fitness!
Did you know that by exercising at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, he would feel much better, mentally? It has been shown that this improves the appetite and sharpens your style in solving problems. Not only that. You will also feel it is easier to sleep at night if moderate exercise, even for 30 minutes every day.

Watch this Free video on The Truth About Abs

What are the benefits of regular exercise? It promotes self-discipline and has a positive impact how you perceive life. Exercise helps lift your mood and give you any depression. For starters, you can do in 15 minutes for 2 to 3 days a week. You can increase the time you spend once your body gets used to listen.

You do not force your body! If you are injured, then stop. You can take a break from exercising for a few days and then you can start over, but you have to start from day 1

Watch this Free video on The Truth About Abs
Jerry Hall

Sunday, September 18, 2011

“health foods” that are secretly making you FAT…

Big food companies have been fooling us for years…
They package up a big slew of crappy ingredients and preservatives, and then slap some creative marketing on it and suddenly we all think it’s a “health food”…
This is what makes you fat…

My friend Vic Magary who’s a world known personal trainer & former ARMY soldier just made a really cool video exposing 2 of the biggest so called “health foods” that are secretly making you fat…
Check out the FREE video here…

Jerry Hall

P.S. – Vic told me he’s going to be pulling the video down soon, so make sure you check it out now. I think you’re gonna be STUNNED by what he reveals in the video…
Check it out here…

The "secret" To Losing Belly Fat ...

You’ve been lied to. Lied to by the fitness magazines, lied to by the government and lied to by the food industry.
Lies such as…
-> You need to eat “low calorie” to lose fat
-> You should do long, slow cardio to put your body in the “fat burning zone”
-> You should eat plenty of whole grains to stay healthy and lean
-> Losing fat is a slow & steady process
Well my buddy Vic Magary who is one my go to fat loss experts just put up a video exposing all of these myths…
Vic is a former Army soldier, and has a very No B.S. attitude for “theories” when it comes to fat loss. He knows what works and what doesn’t – and spills all of his biggest secrets in the video…
Check out the free video below…
 Jerry Hall
P.S. – Vic told me he’s going to be pulling this video down soon. Make sure you check it out now before it’s gone…
Here’s the link again…

Friday, September 16, 2011


    Did you know you’re only getting 15% of the fat loss results you could be getting if you’re using a treadmill or elliptical machine? It’s true… 

While the treadmill & elliptical are the “norm” in most gyms – they certainly aren’t the most effective workouts…

My friend Vic Magary, who’s a former ARMY soldier and personal trainer just made a free video reveals a 15 minute workout that gets 9X the results of a cardio workout…

You can check that out here…

And the best part is, you don’t even need any equipment – You can just use your bodyweight for the simple 15 minute workout.

Check out the video at the link below…

Jerry Hall

P.S. – Vic emailed me today and said the free video will only be up for a short amount of time. Check it out now before he pulls it down…